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Welcome to our Eco-Friendly Family

Foto del escritor: salsasycurtidosdechihuahuasalsasycurtidosdechihuahua

Actualizado: 25 abr 2023

We don't just make the best salsa... we make it without harming the environment.

To get this new section in our page started, we first would love to share a really important topic to us, Sustainability. For our brand, the impact we make in the environment has always been important and because of that, we'd like to share some of the decisions we've made to prevent waste that would harm the environment.

The purpose of this section is not just to share some of the eco-friendly changes we've made but to also encourage our customers to also join us in our sustainability journey.

Not only organic ingredients but also an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Follow the journey with us!

This is just the beginning so make sure you keep up with our posts on this topic, and share your ideas with us.

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